NorthStar Recovery Services has over 30 years of experience servicing retail, education, healthcare, manufacturing, hospitality and industrial environments.

NorthStar Recovery Services has done extensive restoration work for commercial clients of varying sizes. From large warehouses to small packaging plants, NorthStar is prepared to respond to a wide variety of commercial facilities.

Clients operating a range of facilities from large hospitals to small health clinics know that NorthStar will be prepared to handle losses incurred in the health care sector. There are many regulatory guidelines that must be followed when conducting work within a healthcare facility, and NorthStar Recovery Services has the experience necessary to make handling losses in these environments as streamlined as possible.

Our client portfolio includes a number of educational facilities throughout the country including both public and private Universities and Colleges. NorthStar has responded to losses ranging from single building losses to campus-wide flooding.

Some of NorthStar’s largest clients are retail-based. When a loss occurs in a retail or financial space, NorthStar is conscious of the key concerns of these types of facilities: customer and employee safety, and inventory. NorthStar will work quickly to ensure the safety of all personnel within the establishment as well as preventing as little loss of inventory as possible.

NorthStar Recovery Services client portfolio includes some of the largest companies in the hospitality industry, including wide reaching REITs as well as smaller, private companies. The ability to handle losses at these types of locations has become “second nature” for NorthStar due to their high rate of occurrence. NRS understands that time is most important to these clients and strives to turn guest rooms over as quickly as possible when a loss occurs.

This is perhaps one of the most diverse portfolio of clients for NorthStar Recovery Services due to the wide range of operations that take place in these types of facilities. From proprietary smelting procedures to stamping factories and everything in between, NRS has completed recovery projects across an array of industrial facilities.

Similar to the hospitality industry, the Gaming industry includes casinos and their associated hotels, stadiums, arenas, and all types of race tracks. NorthStar has completed a number of projects involving hurricane damage to large casinos in the Southern United States. These projects were completed under budget and ahead of schedule, minimizing the financial loss incurred by the client.

As a GSA certified vendor, NorthStar is more than prepared to perform a wide range of services to Government-sector businesses and facilities. Nearly 80 percent of NorthStar employees are veterans and with that comes a rich background in varying levels of security clearances. Additionally, NorthStar has performed extensive work under FEMA contracts, has TWIC certification for nearly 100% of field operators, and possesses a portfolio of completed projects for Governmental facilities.